Friday, May 25, 2018

Study Break at Eden Garden

When you decide to be an over achiever and work close to full-time while taking 5 classes in grad school at a university you are not familiar with, in  a foreign country (more on that later), well there just is nothing of this thing that people call spare time. "Denise is nuts" has probably crossed your mind a few times. But that is ok, because well I am making it work.

However, in the interest of maintaining some form of sanity, study breaks are a necessity. Public holidays are wonderful because there is no class, which for the graduate student translates to more study time! The most recent holiday we had was Anzac Day (a month ago, paper writing has taken priority over blog writing) which happened to fall on a Wednesday so it was a nice mid-week break to catch up on some things. But it was also a beautiful,warm and sunny day. So I got up early to be productive and decided my mental health break would be attending the mid-morning Anzac service that was only a few blocks from where I am living. It was a beautiful service, a lovely way to remember and be thankful for the sacrifice of those before us.

The only problem was that I realized when it was over that I was not yet ready to head back home and continue with academic productivity. So I went adventuring instead.
I stumbled on a lovely little place called Eden Garden, which is only a few minutes walk in the other direction from my temporary  home.

The garden was established in 1964, built at the site of an abandoned quarry. It is located on of the the city's forty volcanic cones and when operation as a quarry had provided stone for building the city. Also after it closed it became an overgrown mess and it was only when horticulturist Jack Clark was approached by the then owner that it had a chance of becoming something lovely.
It currently has a native New Zealand collection with bird life, waterfalls, views of the city from the high point, a Japanese and bromeliad collection, and a range of other annual flowerings. Of course like any good place to relax in New Zealand it also has a nice cafe :)

But I enjoyed an hour or so wandering the trails and enjoying a bit of recharging in nature.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Busy Days

Finding spare time when my brain is interested in yet another form of writing is not easy these days, with 5 classes that are all reading and writing intensive. This is my excuse for taking so long to post something else. I am sure you are all shaking your heads and thinking that yes I chose this, and I did and I am mostly enjoying the experience, but it quickly became apparent that leisure time for things like non-academic reading or blogging would become non-existent until 1 June. I am 16 days and 9 assignments away from the end of the term :)

But enough about that. A couple of weeks ago a friend was up in the city for the weekend so we enjoyed doing a bit of exploring. I did not get photos of everything, but we enjoyed a good early 20th century display at the Auckland art gallery and a WWII exhibit at the War Memorial Museum, both excellent places to visit if you are making a list. We also found a pretzel shop selling stuffed pretzels. After a low of indecisiveness we settled on a pretzel stuff with vanilla custard and mixed berries. It was as delicious as it sounds :)

Narrow city streets

I just liked the name of this place!

The Auckland Art Gallery

Hipster Hoot - one of many owls
painted by local arts to be auctioned off as
a fundraiser for the children's hospital

Street murals

Bit of city fashion

A lovely garden we stumbled on

Unsure who this guy is but he made me feel short!