I know it has been ages since I posted anything. Partly this is due to a lack of motivation for making time. Partly it is due to busyness and indecisiveness in where to start with what to write!
Suffice it to say, a LOT has happened in the last few months. Some of what has transpired...
1. I survived a mind-numbingly heave course load of my first semester of tertiary education in New Zealand. Only 18 months to go on the Masters!
2. I met my beautiful new niece :)
3. Troway and I got engaged!
4. We also enjoy a lovely holiday for 2 weeks in June.
5. We are planning our wedding for February in New Zealand. Roll on chaos as my family plans to descend on us in the summer!!
6. I am juggling 2 research projects as phase 2 of the Master's degree study (one is a comparative study of New Zealand vs. US music education, the second is four-hand piano transcriptions of a Beethoven symphony in the early 1800s).