Thursday, August 30, 2018

I Haven't Forgotten!

I know it has been ages since I posted anything. Partly this is due to a lack of motivation for making time. Partly it is due to busyness and indecisiveness in where to start with what to write!

Suffice it to say, a LOT has happened in the last few months. Some of what has transpired...

1. I survived a mind-numbingly heave course load of my first semester of tertiary education in New Zealand. Only 18 months to go on the Masters!
2. I met my beautiful new niece :)
3. Troway and I got engaged!
4. We also enjoy a lovely holiday for 2 weeks in June. 
5. We are planning our wedding for February in New Zealand. Roll on chaos as my family plans to descend on us in the summer!! 
6. I am juggling 2 research projects as phase 2 of the Master's degree study (one is a comparative study of New Zealand vs. US music education, the second is four-hand piano transcriptions of a Beethoven symphony in the early 1800s).

See below for highlights of the last few months, especially the visit home.

Pinnacle Mountain, where Troway proposed

Visit to the lake!

Little Rock distillery tour

Fun with the cousins :)

Old Mill in Little Rock

Go KC ROyals!

Liberty Memorial in KC

View of the city from the top

Our beautiful mountain with its winter hat on