Considering that it’s THE sport if you’re a kiwi, and I’m
living in NZ, I do feel I must write a bit about rugby. I won’t pretend to
completely understand it, but in general—although I have been told there are
numerous significant differences—it is rather similar to American football. I
have watched a couple of professional teams that were on TV, and have been to a
local championship game in which one of my friends’ brother was playing. The
crowd’s enthusiasm and excitement was infectious and it was easy to be on the
edge of your seat for the entire game. The game moves quite quickly and the
only time the clock stops is for injuries and halftime. As a spectator it feels
as if the action never stops.
On the note of injuries, I’m impressed with how few there
seem to be, considering the force of the game and the lack of equipment. I
found myself cringing many times through each of the games I’ve watched, and I am
quite certain that I won’t be joining any teams in the near future.
The national team rugby is the New Zealand All Blacks. They
seem to be quite good, and have a huge following. Something I think is a neat
aspect of their games is that before each game, the team performs a Haka, which
is a traditional Maori dance. It has a lot of historical and cultural
significance as it was New Zealand’s warrior dance. When Captain Cook first
discovered New Zealand, he sailed into the Bay of Islands (which I’ve been
to!!! [pictures to come] ) and was greeted by Maori warriors on the beach
performing a Haka with the intention of intimidating Cook and his men. In my
understanding they were quite successful.
I’m sure I will get to experience rugby a bit more (I’ve
heard in the summer it’s fun to go play touch games on the beach), but in the
meantime, here’s a couple pictures from what I have seen J
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