Saturday, September 17, 2016

Pukeiti Garden

Hello my dear readers.

I have been a bit slack lately, with finding things to write about. Some of it is due to busyness, some if it is due to a lack of anything terribly exciting happening in my life. And in all honesty this post might be my last for awhile, because I head home soon for 3 weeks so will likely not find much time for writing.

But anyway.
Last weekend was lovely and warm and sunny. So I thought I should get out of the house (because that sounded far more interesting than the housework or gardening that was on my to-do list).
So I decided to head to Pukeiti Garden, one of the New Plymouth area attractions I had not yet explored.
It is a rhododendron garden about 20 minutes out of town. Not everything was in bloom since it is still early spring, but it was a lovely adventure just the same.

The garden was created in 1951 and is supposed by the Taranaki Rhododendron Trust. It is located at the base of Mt. Taranaki and includes an impressive rainforest surrounding the garden. There are countless tracks through both the garden and the rainforest. One seems to always lead to another and after 2 hours of up and down and around I found I was completely worn out. And yet there is still much of the garden to see, so I am sure I will be back soon :)

Photos below. Have a great week!
The Giants walk is lovely!

This tree had pink and yellow flowers.  

View of the ranges

One of several tree houses

He kept me company while having a quick break